People learn in different ways. And no one has a better learning style than anyone else. Some experts say there are as many as seven different learning styles but it's narrowed to three main types of learning.
- VISUAL LEARNERS(Seeing learners)
- Visual learners learn primarily through the written word.
- They tend to be readers who attentively take down every word.
- AUDITORY LEARNERS (Listening learners)
- Auditory learners learn primarily through listening.
- They focus their ears and attention on your words, listening carefully to everything you say.
- They like to talk rather than write and relish the opportunity to discuss what they've heard.
- KINESTHET LEARNERS(Touch / experience learners)
- Kinesthetic learners learn better by doing.
- This group learns best when they can practice what they are learning.
- They want to have their hands on the keyboard, the hammer, or the test tube because they think in terms of physical action.
It's simple really. Think about one of life's earliest lessons - often taught by our mothers: The Stove Can Burn You.
- Listening learners heard their mother, believed the information, and never touched a stove.
- Seeing learners watched their brother touch the stove, and never touched it by seeing the pain he got.
- Experience learners touched the stove; but only once!. This type of learners want to experience and that’s why even though they heard mother saying not to touch the stove they do touch.
So its very important to identify which type of learner you are based on the information given, So that it will be helpful for you to select a learning style. But what you have to remember is that there may be learners who mix either any of the two types or even the three types of leaning.